Course of child and family photography Elena Mikhailova

Here's what's included:

1. The Backlighting Video Lesson

2. The Backlighting Guide

3. "3D effect in photography"

4. "Boy with a rabbit"

5. "Posing models in photography"

6. "Children and Family Shooting on a Summer Day in the Outdoors"

7. "Shooting in bloom

8. "Portrait shooting in a studio with natural light"

9. "All about the eyes in a portrait"

10. "Shooting at noon"

11. Webinar "Ideal shot with animals"

12. Video Lesson "Shooting with animals"

13. "Girl with an Owl"

14. The Guide "10 Reasons Your Photos Are Out Of Focus"

15. The Guide "How I Set Up My Camera"

$138.00 USD